
It's Never Too Early to Think About One's Career

Chloe's been discussing "community helpers" (e.g. doctors, nurses, dentists, police officers, firefighters, etc.) in Kindergarten lately, so I thought I'd put some different hats on her (literally and figuratively) to see what she might want to do for a career. So, from left to right we have:
- (Mad) Scientist: While this may look like "The Ol' Volcano Simulation" whereby one mixes baking soda, dish soap, and vinegar in a soda bottle, she assured me it isn't and that I'll find out soon enough. To quote her: "In due time, Daddy Dearest... in due time."
- Ski Bunny/Bum/Instructor: We're in Colorado now... this is at least a 4 month gig.
- Nurse: Of the three, this is the one I said would seem to benefit her the most. Not only could she attend to both the nasty chemical burns scientists sometime incur and the calamities that sometimes befall skiers, she could also attend to her own scrapes, bumps and bruises (like the nasty scrape she has on her left knee.)

1 comment:

  1. Kurt,
    You left one out: model. Since I assume you didn't teach her the pose she's making in the ski picture, it appears she's a natural.
