I had another round of visits with some radiology and orthopedic folks today to get an update on how the ol' collarbone is healing. Comfort- and range-of-motion-wise, I had little concerns going into today's appointments, and I suspected there would still be some weight-bearing limits placed on me when I left. But the big question was would I be able to resume non-flats cycling again. (I had been riding off and on for the last 3 weeks, but mostly in the flats. And since I like climbing, the flats weren't going to cut it for much longer.)
And so after some x-rays were taken and reviewed, I got the news I was waiting for. "Kurt, you're in your second trimester. That, and you don't have to see us again... the bone is about 85% healed. Just hold off

on full-body-weight-bearing stuff for another 30 days or so." And just like that I was officially released from the orthopedics department.
(Pictures, top to bottom: An x-ray taken at my May 11th appointment, showing the 8th screw that was added during surgery as well as the longer screws on the end of the plate [visit this post to see the difference]; An x-ray taken today, showing "less black" between the points of fracture compared to the May 11th x-rays.)
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