The High Score Award goes to Eric for his 196, with honorable mentions going to Brad (176, Boulder high score), and Kevin (154, Yardley, PA high score)

Tonight was also the Christmas Pageant at the church we've been visiting. Chloe reprised her role as Angel and did a great job in singing "Away in a Manger" and "Silent Night."
(Pictures: Chloe showing her winning form [l]; and in her Christmas dress [r])
The Bowling on Christmas Eve Day Tradition
It all started about 20 years ago when I was hanging out at my friend Phil’s house on Dec. 24. His Dad was the pastor at the church so he was busy. His Mom was prepping like most Mom’s on that day so she, too, was busy. And my friend and I, being dutiful teenage boys, were driving both of them nuts. His mom said we better find something to do or else… so we called around to different bowling alleys to see which ones were open (most were to our surprise), and then called my brother Eric to chauffeur us to the alley.
It was such a great way to get out of our parents' hair and bide some time before the fun/chaos ensued, we did it the following year, too. Even when we went our different ways – to college, for career – Phil, Eric and I usually found ourselves – jointly or individually – in a bowling alley on 12/24. And so, for almost every year since, I've gone bowling with family and friends.
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