
Mt. Audubon (revisited)

It's been nearly 4 years since I hike Mt. Audubon (the first go was written up here.)  And as that post mentions, Peg and I didn't have time to make it to the top. 

So, with Peg away on travel and Chloe in all-day camp, I thought it was a good time to strap on the boots and camelbak and give it another go.  The route description from the previous post still hold... great views once above treeline.  But since I got to the upper reaches and summit this time, I do have a greater appreciation for the hike... it is pretty steep at the top, and it does require some scrambling.  But, at least in my opinion, the views from up top make that last section well worth the effort.

Here are pix from today's hike.


Lands of Sam and Rice-a-Roni

Peg, Chloe and I, accompanied by my parents, recently finished up a week-plus in the Yosemite and San Francisco areas.  And well, I'm going to invoke the "picture = a thousand words" maxim on this post, and just give you a link to follow so you can see a slideshow of some of the pix from the trip.  (Yes, I know, there are a lot of pix with Half Dome in them.)